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Monday, March 15, 2010

Paid to drive:

Imagine getting paid to drive your own car to wherever you choose. It's possible. All you need to do is to allow your car to be draped with advertising messages. It's easy and it's beneficial. Here is what you need to do to sell advertising space on your car.

1. Be prepared to enter into a contract. Advertisers generally prefer long-term commitments.

2. Register with your local transit-advertising agency. Approach various agencies and choose the one that pays you the most and gives you a choice of brand or company to advertise.

3. Determine how the advertising message will be displayed on your car. It could be vinyl graphic panels, magnetic signs, bumper stickers or a complete car wrap.

4. Ensure that the material to be used is not harmful to your car exterior.

5. Check if there is a minimum distance you need to drive.

6. Be prepared for regular inspections and spot checks from the car advertising agency.

7. Choose a brand that you would love to advertise and goes well with your lifestyle and driving habits.

8. Keep your agency informed if there is any change in your driving pattern. Relocation to a different place, enrolling your child in a new school and having a new job are instances when your driving patterns could be altered.

Tips and Warnings:

Some transit-advertising agencies have online registrations.

Opt for an agency that allows you the freedom to choose your brand.

Provide accurate information regarding your driving habits to avoid any future issues with the agency.

Maintain your car well and keep all documents up-to-date. Inform your agency immediately in case of any damage to the car or the advertising message.

Avoid any run-ins with the law. Drunk driving records, road tax evasions or violation of speed limits are strictly prohibited.

Selling space on your car could cost you your privacy. You may have to respond to curious onlookers who ask about the product or the advertisement.

Good luck...

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Here is a great site if you are into PTC sites:

Here you will find a ton of information on PTC sites. Please have a look if you are working on or plan on working on any PTC sites.

I hope this is of some help.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Are golf balls white gold?

If you want to make money selling used golf balls, EBAY is the best and easiest way to do it. First you need to sign up to EBAY which is free. Selling used golf balls is a big business and you can make good money doing it if you know how:

It helps if you live close to a golf course, or at least have one within a short driving distance. You don't want to spend more on transportation than you earn selling.

If you have access to an actively played course, be sure to get permission from the owner of the course before you begin your search. Consider getting a written statement just to be on the safe side.

An easy way to collect the balls quickly is to use a golf ball retriever.

Here is a link for amazon, you should be able to find a good one here. Try to find one that will bring in more than just one ball at a time as you will want to do that. The faster you can collect, the better.

In many pro golf shops, you can find a bowl with used golf balls for sale on the counter. They sell in most pro shops for between $0.50 - $1 per ball depending on condition. Which would be a good price to go with. Maybe even a little lower so you can maximize your sales.

Be sure to clean them really good before putting them up for sale. Nobody wants to buy dirty and grimy used golf balls.

It takes a lot of time and work but if you stick with it and make your business known, you can make good money doing this.

If you look on Ebay you will find many auctions for used balls. Those auctions are usually for groups (lots) of balls and many times they are separated by ball conditions or company brand. In order to get the most money consider separating all your balls into three groups. Group 1 being the best balls that are almost new, group 2 being balls that have some wear but are still playable, and group 3 being for balls that are shag balls (balls that people use for practice).

Further sort group 1 into smaller groups by brand for selling on Ebay. The most expensive balls in the best condition can often bring about a dollar a ball so consider waiting until you get 24 or 36 per group and put them up as a “lot”. The remaining good balls would be put up as lots as well but they might have multiple brands within the lots.

Good luck, and I wish you much success. All comments are welcome.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Become an affiliate:

Another great way to earn some money is affiliate programs.

In order to be an affiliate for any website, you need to have access to the Internet and have your own website/web page set up. Having a website with a lot of traffic will be the best way to see good cash flow.

Lots of traffic = $$$.

But in order to get a lot of traffic to your site you need to advertise all over the web. I would not recommend social networks as it would violate the TOS (terms of service) on most of them and/or your site could just be marked as spam. And you would just be wasting your time. That's what happened to me, so please just accept the warning it will save you a lot of time and frustration.

Here is one really good affiliate program:

Just copy and paste the above link to your web browser if you cannot click on it.

I will update this post as soon as I find more good affiliate programs.
If you know of any others, please let me know so I can check them out and if they check out as legit opportunities I can add them to the list, Thank you.

Sell to motorists:

Roadside sales can pull in some quick cash. Pick high-profit items that aren't highly perishable and/or have a high cost/sale price ratio; cold soda, corn, baked goods, flowers. Pick a location that is safe, where a passersby can park without hazard, a location that has a good traffic flow, and one for which you have permission, or at least is not illegal. (Freeway exits are not usually legal sales areas.) You may be required to have a vendor's license, also.

Don't expect to get rich, or minimize the work involved. But if you really need some quick cash, roadside sales can help you over the hump. And it will leave you with more pride than those simply begging.

In addition, be sure what you are selling is not illegal like drugs or things of the sort.

Hit up a pawnshop:

Pawnshops work like this:

You bring in your items, which you offer up as collateral on a loan; in most cases, the loan will be about ten percent of the actual value of your item. If you agree to the loan, the pawnshop gives you a loan ticket.

At this point, you have three choices. One option is to buy your item back. To do this, you go to the pawnshop sometime in the course of the next month and pay back the loan with interest, which is usually somewhere around 20%. Your second option is to come back a month later and pay the interest on the loan, in which case you continue the loan for another month. Your final option is to let the loan expire, in which you keep the money and the pawnshop keeps the goods.

The positive aspect of the pawnshop lies in the loan. Unlike a payday loan or other short-term loan, you have already given up possession of the collateral, which means that, should you default on the loan, you will have nothing more to pay. You will not have to worry about interest on the loan compounding, driving you deeper into debt.

Another positive aspect of pawnshops is the impermanence of the transaction. Unlike a clear sale, a pawnshop loan allows you to regain possession of your item. Therefore, if your fortunes turn around, you will be able to get your stuff back. With Craigslist and eBay, once your stuff's gone, it's gone.

Finally, pawnshops are very convenient. While Craigslist and eBay will net you far more money for your possessions, getting the cash can take days, weeks, or even months. With a pawnshop, getting paid takes about as long as it takes you to cart your stuff down to the store. You don't have to worry about keywords, pictures, listing your item properly, fraudulent bidders, or any of the other headaches that accompany internet sales. You simply drop off your property, whine a little bit about how the pawnbroker is screwing you, grab your dough, and leave.

The downside is pretty obvious. If your precious possessions stay with the pawnbroker for over a month, he puts them on sale to recoup the cost of your loan. Chances are that he will be able to sell your stuff for a lot more than he gave you, which means that, once your month is up, you probably won't be able to buy your stuff back.

So should you use a pawnshop? Absolutely--if you're a buyer. As I mentioned earlier, they are great places to find deals, and can be a lot of fun to wander around. On the other hand, you should view them as an absolutely last resort for selling your stuff. While they will enable you to get your hands on a little bit of money very quickly, they will end up giving you a bare minimum for your goods.

Sell Scrap metal:

While this method isn't something you'll likely be able to survive upon for extended periods, legally anyway, I'm sure you can find something to get melted down.

We want to focus on the legal ways to get some money from scrap metal so first we need to find some. If you are remodeling or have unused copper pipes in your house it may be worth pulling them out and heading to the salvage yard. If pipes are out of reach, check out your garage, basement or shed, where I am guessing you can find something to salvage. This endeavor may be especially profitable if you have been something of a pack rat in this metal treasure trove of yours.

Don't have a room or building full of old odds and ends at your disposal? You can still get in on the salvaging action! The first places to check are any refuse areas around your neighborhood, where you can look for discarded metal objects. If dumpster diving disgusts you then, look at your neighbor's property. Do they have an old swing set nobody uses or a garage packed full of "junk"? If so you can either be upfront and split the profits with them under the pretense that you'll do the heavy lifting, or you can offer to "clean up" their garage as a neighborly favor!

This is an excellent way to make some extra cash quickly, though unfortunately for most people this will be a one-time deal since it will take time to accrue enough extra odds and ends again. Even if you are just trying to get rid of an old vehicle or camper you may be able to pick up some cash. What are you waiting for? Get salvaging

And lets not forget aluminum cans, which can sell for up to at least 0.75 per pound. And in most places are not that hard to acquire. A good way to get a lot of them if you are needing the money fast is to ask family and friends to help you collect. You'll be surprised at how quickly you will collect a good amount. At $0.75/pound, you will earn $75 just for 100 pounds (approximately 3,421 cans). Which may sound like a lot, but is not really that difficult to come by, so give it a shot.

Hold a yard sale:

How much money can you raise at a yard sale?

It depends - on what you have to sell, where you are selling, the weather, advertising, the competition. The real answer is that you just never know and that this isn't money you can count on.

That said, if you have furniture, electronics, children's items, sports equipment, jewelry, collectibles (in other words, the usual hodgepodge of clutter that most of us once thought we needed to buy) then a yard sale may help you raise some money fast.

A few tips:

1. Be realistic. If you are selling an item in almost new condition, don't expect to recoup much more than 25% of the original retail price, less if it shows wear and tear. If the item is actually what dealers call, "mint in box," then you might see 50% but consider any offer.

2. You can reduce advertising costs and increase traffic to your sale by running a multifamily or block sale. Make sure to run ads in local newspapers, and if your town allows, post signs. Specify big ticket items in your ad (child's bedroom set, water skis) but include enough broad categories to attract the general yard sale shopper.

3. Check with your town or city hall to see whether you need a permit.

4. Price in advance, open early, have small bills and change available, and if you can handle it, let the early birds shop. Consider cutting your prices in the last hour(s) of the sale.

5. Enjoy yourself. Make it pleasant for people to buy from you. If an offer seems too low by all means counter-offer but don't be offended.

Start your own part-time/full-time business from home:

If you want to start a business, you don't have to invest much money to make money. Sometimes you can start a business with next to nothing.

Many large companies started out as nothing more that a small at home part-time job.

One idea would be to try car detailing, an idea my brother has been kicking around.

If all you charged was $10 per car and detailed two cars per hour. That would be
$20/hour, not bad for starting out.

In addition, if you had help you could get a lot more done in a smaller amount of time.

You might also consider hiring yourself out as a dog walker, errand runner, driver, computer consultant, or any number of things.

Saturday, March 6, 2010



Like to take surveys? Why not get paid for it?

Here is a site where you earn points to take surveys, I know many of these sites are frauds or just do not pay out. However, I have found that this is not one of them.

The points convert to cash and/or prizes; personally, I always go with the cash. (Will not post my earnings).

You will earn at least 100 points for every survey; many are worth a lot more.
100 points = $1.

You will receive Survey opportunities in your e-mail inbox about everyday.

They also have a monthly drawing for $25,000. You will earn 5-100 entries into this drawing every time you take a survey

If you would like to know anymore about Survey Spot, be sure to ask and I will do my best to answer your question as soon as I possible.

To join this program simply go to the following link and sign up. If you cannot click on it, simply copy and paste it to your web browser.

Neobux, the best ptc/ppc:

Can so many users be wrong?

Here is another PTC (paid to click) PPC (pay per click) site where you can earn 0.01 per ad.

You will have to keep the ad opened for a set amount of time (about 30 seconds) to earn credit for it.

They too have a good referral program. I have found that many people will say that this is the best PTC/PPC site on the internet.

The payout is a very low $2.00 and many users have earned well over $1000. (Sorry, I will not list my earnings at this time).

Here you can put in the time to refer people or just buy some referrals. They only sell active referrals so you will not get someone who never views any ads. You will be earning with them.

Feel free you use the link I have provided below if you would like to sign up for this one. If you can not click on it, just copy and paste it to you're web browser.

If you would like to know anything about NeoBux, Just ask and I will get back to you as soon as I can.

Hits4pay is one way:

Try this one

If you cannot click on the above link, simply copy and paste it to your web browser.

This is another PTC (paid to clock) PCP (pay per click) site.

This one is not quite as good as Clixsense because you can only have two levels of referrals. However, you make 0.02 for every e-mail you read and 0.01 for every e-mail your referrals and their referrals read. This again, is where you will really start seeing the money coming in.

Any account that has reached the minimum payout of $25.00 or more will be zeroed out on the 1st of every month, and commissions will be paid out on or before the 15th.

As with Clixsense, you can check your Hit4Pay inbox as little as once a week. That way you will have more time to refer other people.

When you open one of your Hit4Pay messages, you must keep it opened for about 60 seconds to earn the credit. So keep that in mind and feel free to use the link above to sign up. If you can not click on it, just copy and paste it to you're web browser.

You will also receive a $10 bonus just for signing up.

If you would like to know any more about Hit4Pay just leave me a comment with your question. I will get back to you as soon as possible.

Clixsense makes sense:

Ever thought of trying a ptc site?

If you cannot click on the above link, simply copy and paste it to your web browser.

This is a PTC (paid to click) PPC (pay per click) site where you can earn 0.01-0.02 per click. Keep in mind that when you open one of your clixsense ads, you will need to keep the ad opened for about 30 seconds to get credit for it.

Payments are automatically disbursed by check and mailed to the postal address on your profile on or before the 10th day of each month for earnings of the prior month provided that your account balance has reached the minimum payout level of $10 (you may select a higher minimum payout if desired). If your account balance is less than $10 (or the minimum payout you selected), earnings will carry forward until such month as you have met the minimum check requirement.

They also have a referral program that I found is where you will earn a lot more money. To be honest, you can earn a substantial amount if you put in the time and effort to refer enough people.

In addition, you can check your account as little as only once a week to do your own clicks if you want. That way you will have a lot more time for referring other people. Feel free to use the link above to sign up.

Here is a bit of information on their referral program:
Free members (Non-Premium members) will receive $0.01 for each referral and will receive $2.00 if their direct referral upgrades to a Premium account. You will also receive 10% of revenues generated from your referrals' ad purchases.

Premium Members are paid affiliate commissions 8 levels deep!

PREMIUM MEMBERS – You are instantly paid $0.10 for each new referral. When one of your direct referrals upgrades their account to a Premium membership, you are instantly paid $2.00 for that member's upgrade. (You are also paid commissions on any ads that member clicks on) When that member refers a new member who upgrades to premium you are instantly paid a $1.00 override commission. You just got paid for doing NOTHING! Even better, that same scenario pays EIGHT LEVELS DEEP!

Premium Members Bonus Clix - When a Premium member refers a member who upgrades their account to Premium status, not only do you receive the already great commission structure, you are now getting paid 10% of the ad value for each ad your Premium first level downline members view! Note: To earn the additional commissions you must be a Premium ClixSense member. You will only be paid the bonus commissions if on "clix" made by members of your first level downline who are also Premium members.

ClixSense expects to pay commissions for quality referrals to the website. You may not use any type of incentive program(s) to gain referrals.

Selling body parts for cash:

By law, you can't sell your body even after you're dead. But you can get it to slip you a few 20s -- or thousands -- while you're still alive, by "donating" some of the extra pieces. Not too much is marketable, but what is can be offloaded for a price if it's in good condition.

What can you sell?

Plasma can be good for profit:

The 1984 National Organ Transplantation Act makes it illegal to sell human organs, a rule generally applied to tissues. So companies "compensate" donors for their "time".

The big market: plasma, the protein-packed liquid component of blood used to manufacture lifesaving clotting factors and immune boosters, among others. These therapeutics comprise a $7.8 billion annual global market, according to the Marketing Research Bureau, with more than 70% of the source plasma originating from inside Americans.

This strong, steady demand simply can't be met by unpaid volunteers. Ten million of the 12 million liters we pump out annually is from paid donors, many of them regulars pocketing $200-plus a month.

If you can give blood, you can sell plasma -- probably. The eligibility requirements are similar. You must be 18, weigh at least 110 pounds, be free of communicable disease and in basic good health with strong iron levels.

There is no cross-contamination. Blood is drawn into an apheresis machine -- essentially a centrifuge. As it spins, plasma, the lightest component in blood, separates out and drips into a bag, which you can watch fill and turn yellow as you read the giant informed-consent brochure you just signed. At various intervals the machine thrums to a halt and reverses direction, returning the remaining blood down the same tube along with some saline solution. Your blood comes into contact only with disposable plastic parts.

Seriously, though, read the brochure. There can be side effects: allergic reactions, dizziness, nausea. (For more, see this FDA letter.) The U.S. Food and Drug Administration limits each donation to between 625 milliliters (1.3 pints) and 880 milliliters (1.9 pints), depending on body weight, at no more than twice a week. In the United States you can give up to 91.5 liters, or 193 pints, a year, far more than other countries allow.

With a little patience . . . Companies pay extra to bring you back. The first visit in a week might pay $25, the second $35. Plasma is 90% water and regenerates in 48 hours. At each visit, someone checks your vitals, then you recline in the chair for an hour. You cannot sleep, because attendants must know that you've not passed out. It's a large-bore needle. Need I go on?

Not every state has a paid donation center. Several companies recently pulled out of the business. To see if there's one near you, check the FDA search engine and select "Establishment Type: Plasmapheresis Center." Or visit the Plasma Protein Therapeutics Association.

Men can earn even more with yet another bodily fluid:

Think getting a date is hard? Try for a sperm-donor card. About 95% of men who apply don't make the cut.

For those who do, though, hoo ha! It can mean up to $1,000 a month for 1½ to two years, enough to pay the rent through graduate school.

For every 1,000 men who seek information about the California Cryobank, a leading service with locations near top-tier colleges, only nine become donors.

Applicants complete a 40-page medical history covering three generations, then get culled for buyer preference.

The ideal donor: 6 feet, medium build, medium complexion, blond or brown hair, green or blue eyes, a college background, dimples. This is what women want.

Then there's the sample. Donors must have sperm counts of 400 million to 500 million, twice the norm. And most of these sperm must be faster than an ordinary sperm, more powerful than an ordinary sperm, able to leap tall petri dishes in a single bound! Unfortunately it's supersperm for only one in four men.

Even those who think they're made of steel sometimes choose to opt out of the responsibility: frequent health checks, up to thrice-weekly deposits and periods of abstention. Not to mention the idea of being progenitor to as many as 35 very real human beings.

This isn't an industry that keeps good count. But Dr. Charles Sims, who undertook a survey as chairman of the Reproductive Council of the American Association of Tissue Banks last year, estimates it's an $80 million industry with some 1,500 active sperm donors.

Despite a growing movement toward open donation -- where children can contact their donor parent at 18 -- Sims believes banks can continue to guarantee anonymity.

Ladies read on, (Please):

The female egg, or ovum, is 90,000 times bigger than the male sperm, so it's worth more. Just how much more is unclear. In an industry that critics charge is underregulated, insiders don't know exactly what most donors are paid or even how many donors are out there.

A recent survey turned up an average of $4,217 per donation, but some clinics didn't participate, and donors frequently claim payments of $10,000 or more. Those targeted -- typically young coeds -- see ads promising tens of thousands from couples in search of that very healthy, tall, bright, beautiful young woman. If she's on a soccer scholarship and just won an arts grant, even better.

Still, the price is projected to remain high. The American Society for Reproductive Medicine says donor eggs or embryos were used in 15,175 artificial reproduction attempts in 2004 and that demand is growing. People are accepting the idea that if someone else's plump, youthful egg has a better shot, why not use it? Meanwhile, women who've been donors and made a good dent in their student loans or credit card debt say they'd do it again

But that bloated pay figure can be misleading. Egg donation is far more labor intensive than sperm donation and carries health risks. To stimulate the production of extra eggs -- say one or two dozen -- the donor is placed on hormone injections for weeks and the eggs are extracted under anesthesia with a needle. The process can cause ovarian hyperstimulation, which in rare cases can be life-threatening.

Those considering becoming a donor should seek an outside opinion and read the fine print: Make sure any associated health issues will be covered by the buyer.

For more information, visit the Society for Assisted Reproductive Technology.

Money may not grow on trees, but what about your head?

The self-styled posts on the Internet are intoxicating: asking $600 for long locks of "virgin hair," never colored, never blow-dried, never rooted in the flesh of fatty foods and hard living. But are people really paying?

Renee Sirokman is dubious. She's been buying hair to make wigs for the family business, World of Wigs, for nearly 40 years and has yet to meet such a high bidder. "If this was true," she said, "then wouldn't everybody be selling hair?"

She can, however, guarantee that a wig company will pay up to $5 an ounce for hair that's in decent shape. Most heads would pass muster, as long as the hair is not severely overprocessed, is at least 12 inches long and is packaged properly. A foot-long pony tail weighs 2 to 8 ounces, meaning a year in the hair-growth market might gross you a few bottles of shampoo. But, as Sirokman tells people, "Why would you want the hair to hit the ground if you can sell it?"

But wait, there's more:

Got milk? Breast milk costs $3.50 an ounce, and baby needs 25 ounces a day: A Beverly Hills household-staffing company made news when it hired out wet nurses. There don't appear to be others, according to the La Leche League, nor any public businesses buying breast milk, but experts don't doubt that private sales routinely take place.

It's true, you can live safely with one kidney. But rumors of $50,000 apiece on the black market overseas are just that; buyers can get one in a village in India, or in Baghdad, for $700.

"Donate" to research. Tissue didn't make it past the private screeners? Research hospitals and drug companies pay for the same products for studies.

Don't like the idea of selling yourself? Then actually, really, donate. Give whole blood at a community blood bank. Only 5% of eligible donors do so, and there is a chronic short supply. And there are several breast-milk banks that accept donations to feed babies who can't handle formula.

Earn money with cafepress:

Here is a great way to make money online.

Here you can open your own online store where you can design and sell various products. These products include t-shirts, coffee mugs, bumper stickers, hoodies, jogging suits, etc...

There is a base price set to all of the products that you will need to add a mark-up to if you plan on making any money. Keep in mind, if you set your mark-up too high it could lower your sales.

There are two types of shops you can have with cafepress, the basic shop and the premium shop.

The Basic shop is free to set up but you will be limited to one design per product.

The Premium shop is as low as $4.99 per month. With the premium shop you can have as many designs on as many products as you want.

Once your shop is set up and ready, be sure to promote it or you will not make many sales as your roducts will only be found in the marketplace not by direct traffic.

Once an order is placed for one of your products, Cafepress will take care of everything else and you will collect your mark-up profit.

Here is a link to my personal shop if you would like an example of what one looks like. Please drop by and have a look around.

If you would like to sign up and start your own shop just follow these easy steps.

1. Go to

2. Click sign in.

3. Click on "continue" under "not a member yet"

4. Fill out the information and finish the steps as prompted.

Please leave a comment and let me know what you think and/or how it works out for you.

Cash in your inbox:

Here are two different sites that I am posting together because they are just alike. I did not think it would make much sense to have separate posts for both of them.

Here is a list of ways to earn with these two.

1. You will receive messages in your inbox that you are paid to read. You will earn 0.02 for every message that you read and they should be sent everyday.

2. You can get cash-back from select online stores. You can find these stores when you log into your account.

3. There is a referral program with both of them as well, with which you can earn even more.

4. Each will have a number of surveys you can take for even more earnings. Many are displayed when you log into your account under "paid surveys". In addition, you will receive some in your inbox.

5. You will also receive a $5 bonus just for signing up.

That's $10 right from the start, and the cash-out is set at only $30 dollars for each of them.

If you would like to sign up for either/or both of them, just click on the links below.

